ID Lemma
A notice displayed on the commons entrance showing the new ID policy
The 22-23 school year has brought about many changes to the way our school functions, one of which being the new ID policy. Many say IDs will improve the environment of our school, but the majority will tell you otherwise. Beginning this week, Dr. Garrett revealed the new ID policy to the North. Starting Tuesday, January 17th if a student is seen without an ID they will get ONE warning, and, if they are caught again, they will receive lunch detention. On Monday, January 23rd if a student is seen without an ID they will get automatic lunch detention for two days. If they do not show up to lunch detention, the detentions will keep adding up. Once a student misses four lunch detentions, they will get one day of AISP (alternative in-school placement). IDs are no longer allowed to be displayed on students’ backpacks, the ID must be visible on the upper body at all times. If students do not have an ID present on their person, and try to enter the school at any other entrance besides the Commons entrance, they will be forced to walk around to the Commons, and or the front office, no matter the weather.
This was the case for sophomore, Katie Brigham. “I arrived at the school at 8:45 AM, and I am usually pretty good about having my ID on me at all times, but that day just happened to be the day I had forgotten it. I tried to explain to the staff member at the CCC doors that I was very sorry, and that I could go straight to the office, where they could print me a new one, if I could go through the school. The staff member rejected my offer and instead forced me to walk halfway around the school to the Commons entrance in 18-degree weather, referring to me as a safety threat. When I finally arrived at the office after walking through the bitter cold, the ID machine was broken, and they sent me on to class anyway without a late pass or an ID. This whole experience was very damaging.”
The Howl Instagram published a poll asking, “Do IDs make you feel safer, why or why not?” and students responded with strong opinions. The identities of the students who made responses have been made anonymous.
One student said, “No, I feel like it’s going to create more defiance. The stricter the school is, the more the students will fight it.”
Another response from a student said, “Yes, but they integrated the enforcement poorly.”
A response from another student, “No, it doesn’t make any difference because you can tell who the students are.”
Many more responses arguing against the ID policy showed a majority of students not only dislike the new policy, but also do not feel any safer.
Another common problem that students face when it comes to IDs is paying for them. IDs are small, slim, card-shaped pieces of plastic that easily lost and frequently. Upon losing an ID, students may retrieve one free copy, but after that, students must pay $6.00 for each new one. Students should not have to pay for something REQUIRED by the school, and, if it is such a matter of safety, the school should be able to provide any student another one free of charge because some students are not in a position to pay for new IDs.
We understand that this policy is in place to “make our school safer,” but so far the policy has only caused morale to drop among students, and aimed teachers and students against each other. If administrators eased back on the ID policy, students’ happiness would increase, and students and teachers would have more respect for each other. Instead of the new policy presented, we ask that the policy should just be for students to have an ID with them at all times and be able to show it to any teacher or admin if asked. We also ask that new IDs are free of charge so that students will not have to pay for their safety in a place where safety should be guaranteed for free.