The Howl

Norman North High School's Student Newspaper

Norman North High School's Student Newspaper

The Howl

Norman North High School's Student Newspaper

The Howl

About The Howl

The Howl is the official online news magazine of Norman North High School’s Converged Journalism Department which includes Newspaper, Yearbook, Journalism I, photography, web based design, and marketing strategies.  The paper started in 2018 as Timberwolf News and was renamed The Howl in the summer of 2019.  Our staff consists traditionally of Newspaper students, however, the collaborative nature of Converged Journalism opens submissions for any student involved in Journalism at North.  Our paper is entirely student run and student minded.  Each year a Newspaper Editor is named who is responsible for overseeing the entire publication.  Newspaper editors work closely with copy editors, photographers, beat writers, and interviewers to find and tell the Stories of North.