Pineapple on Pizza?


The divisive food itself- pineapple on pizza.

- Rayaan Raza and Caden Plunk

Is pineapple acceptable on pizza? This age-old question has been bouncing around the Howl’s staff. Ultimately we decided to do a poll of the students at North and get their opinions.

Norman North Students’ opinions on pineapple pizza on pizza are pretty even. According to a poll made on the NNHS Howl Instagram Page, 52 percent of students agree that pineapple on pizza is acceptable, and 48 percent opposed pineapple on pizza.

Instagram user hayden_spins_ commented under the poll, “It belongs anywhere else other than pizza.” Ryan Allen supported the combo, saying, “Because I’m not an immature baby ignorant to anything that seems out of the norm,” calling out the haters. In other words, he is saying you either don’t hate them or you’re a hater. So what do you think? Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?