Slapping Teachers May Get You In The Slammer!

An excerpt of the law posted around the school to deter students from “slapping a staff member”.

Spooky month might start with a smack. Last month was subject to nationwide, random acts of vandalism on schools, and now that the devious lick TikTok challenge is over, these school delinquents want to continue the chaos. They are reportedly trying to start the, “Smack a staff member” trend. It is uncertain if this will catch on, but if it does, it would be met with harsh consequences. When we asked Principal, Dr. Garret, she stated, “We will be as strict as we can with our school discipline, and we will issue a site, police citation.” These strict disciplinary actions, she said might include, “…long-term disciplinary action, expulsion. This isn’t lunch detention. This is not ISS.” As far as out of school, legal actions, according to Officer Antwine, (SRO) at Norman North, “Assault charges would be pressed.” If convicted of assaulting/battery on a teacher,  you could be punished by imprisonment in the Cleveland County Jail for up to a year or by being fined up to $2,000 (assault/battery). If it is aggravated (serious bodily damage)  you could be guilty of a felony and be punished by imprisonment in state prison for up to 2 years, or by being fined up to $5,000. It is clear that Smack Attacking teachers for clout would be an AWFUL idea. A bunch of posters with an excerpt of the law has been posted around the school to deter students from participating in the rumored trend (shown above).