SPUD 2020 – Decoration Weekend
SPUD decorating began Sat., Jan. 4.
On Saturday, January 4, the SPUD committee began decorating for the big week ahead of them. The committee prepared by sketching and painting over the past couple of months.

Wooden cut-outs of the “Phienas & Ferb” theme.
SPUD being a big part of the school and the community; the organization had elementary schools and special ed join in on the decorating. The students got to help out with the finishing touches of each wall.

SPUD decorating brings students together.
The theme has always been an important part of SPUD week, and it is a well kept a secret until the community opening, which was on Monday, January 6th. The school had many themes to vote on, but the winning theme was not announced until opening day. The students and the community of Norman look forward to seeing the school completely decorated. The weekend before school came back into session from winter break, the SPUD committee and royalty committee met up at the school to work. Working from nine o’clock in the morning to midnight for two days straight. Although exhausted, they reached their goals and their finished product was unbelievable.

Kaylie S. & Kendra H. decorate the FRAC.
With the SPUD theme being a secret, it was not uncovered to the school until Tuesday, January 7. While walking the halls, the Disney show Phineas and Ferb was revealed as the 2020 SPUD theme.

Sam Sieck & Reid Rasnic working late into the night.

The Howl
Northward Bound