The Howl’s Guide On Valentine’s Dating

A couple on a Valentine’s date | Getty
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, people are rushing to figure out the perfect plan for their Valentine’s date. Don’t worry though, the Howl’s got you covered. We asked the students of Norman North via Instagram for advice on how to achieve the perfect date.

The first key step in getting a date is asking someone to be your Valentine. User @wwwmorgzorg said, “[say] hey I was wondering if you have a Valentine’s date, and wing it from there.” Another response from @tasiyac0mbs._ said to get them their “favorite candy & teddy bear.”

The second step in planning your date is picking something to do/picking somewhere to go. Picking somewhere to go is an important step in your perfect date. @angeles.lexy said “[to go on a] picnic or movie date, after the movie you guys can go get dessert or boba,” @baylorthesavage said “[do] something casual where you guys can get to know each other but still have fun.”

The final step while preparing for your date is finding the perfect outfit to wear. Your outfit says a lot about you as a person and is a crucial element in your planning process. Another response from @angeles.lexy says, “something cute but casual, nothing extravagant but definitely not sweats.” @trinity_kayanne says, “something nice but also something comfortable.”
Now that you have your three steps down, you are ready to slay on Valentine’s Day.