What’s On Our Mind: Pizza
A Norman North student poses with a slice of pizza at Hideaway Pizza.
Pizza is a world-renowned cuisine, debatably the greatest food of all time. The question is, who does it the best? What qualities make up the perfect pie? Today we find out which precious pie deserves our praise.
We decided to limit the pool to ten of the more well-known pizzerias. These include Domino’s, Hideaway, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Mod Pizza, Pizza Shuttle, Mazzios, Little Caesars, Pie Five, and lastly Cici’s Pizza. We gave this list to several individuals within the Newspaper and told them to ask rank each of the pizzeria’s based on the quality and cost of a simple pepperoni pizza. We chose the pepperoni pizza as the subject of rating because it is one of the most generally accepted pies that every store has in one form or another.
After collecting each list we assigned first place a value of ten, second a value of nine, and so on. We totaled each pizzeria’s point total based on their rank and put them in a list with the pizzeria with the highest value being first. The final list was, in order from first to tenth, Hideaway, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Pizza Shuttle, Mod Pizza, Little Caesars, Mazzios, Pie Five, and Cici’s Pizza.
After examining the final ranking, we selected the top three and did research to back up the opinions that put Hideaway, Dominos, and Pizza Hut at the top.
Number 1 – Hideaway:
Hideaway is renowned for having the best selection of pies and great quality and service. Hideaway has won awards for Best Pizza in Oklahoma, and is within the top 50 pizzerias in the U.S. Hideaway was originally founded in Stillwater in 1957 and was built on the premise that happy employees equaled happy customers. So the casual-diner-made pizza shop immediately made it big as one of the best quality pizza places in town. From there it spread throughout all of Oklahoma, permeating each town with its delicious smells and colorful cafes. Hideaway is known for having a wide variety of specialty pies, all delicious, but they also have a build-your-own menu, with many, many tasty toppings to choose from, and a good selection of styles for your pizza to be baked.
Number 2 – Dominos:
Dominos is currently the biggest pizza company in the world, they are known for their garlic oil crust, limited-time deals, and consistent quality pizzas. Dominos also has excellent sides and desserts including tater tots, bone-in and boneless wings, chess bread, garlic bites, cinnamon twists, sandwiches, brownies, and lava cakes. Along with many specialty pizzas creating many good topping combinations.
Number 3 – Pizza Hut:
Pizza Hut is known for its claim of “no one out pizza’s the hut”. While we have shown that this isn’t the case, they still have a great foothold in the pizza industry and have proven it difficult to out-pizza them. While Domino’s is more of a savory flavor, Pizza Hut chose a sweeter flavor profile. Their sauce and crust are generally sweeter than their competitors, but unfortunately, this doesn’t make up for their overall lackluster crust flavor. Even still, it’s hard to deny a good pizza from The Hut when you get one.
Lastly, we would like to include some honorable mentions. They are, in no particular order, the McAlister’s Kids Pizza, Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza, Digiorno’s Frozen Pizzas, and Chuck E’s Cheese’s Pizza. As stated earlier we decided to include many popular pizzerias, and we felt that these really didn’t meet the requirements.
And that is what is on our minds.