Yearbook Recognized For Outstanding Spread!
“Dogward Bound” as featured in Possibilities, volume 9.
Earlier this month, our Yearbook class received recognition for the “Dogward Bound,” spread in last year’s yearbook, from Walsworth, the company that produces the yearbook. The spread featured student’s dogs and even an “honorary dog”, a bearded dragon. The spread was selected for its “creativity and journalistic efforts” and was hand-picked by Walsworth as an example of such. In the letter received from Walsworth’s President, it said, “This places your yearbook among the best yearbook Walsworth prints.” Walsworth sent the Yearbook class a copy of their Possibilites, volume 9, the idea book sent to all schools that work with the company.
Now is the perfect time to buy this school year’s edition of Northward Bound for $75 before the price goes up.