How About PERU?!

How About PERU?!

- Kaitlyn Fago, Fine Arts Writer

Have you ever wanted to go to Peru? Well, now is your chance! Mrs. Roach is taking students to Peru for 12 days this summer. The trip will cost is $4,700 (however, the longer students wait, the more the price increases) and departs on June 1st. All students are eligible (not just students in Spanish classes) and family members are welcome. 

Students will start in the capital, Lima, then travel to Cusco. After that, students will take a train up to Machu Picchu Finally the trip concludes with a visit to the Ancient Fortress. Students should make sure to bring a wide variety of clothes as temperatures will vary greatly due to so many elevation changes. Travelers are encouraged to check local forecasts before packing.

The trip will be an immersive experience, meaning travelers will interact with people born and raised in Peru in order to help them understand Peruvian cultures, traditions, and languages. The tour, though, will be in English. Travelers are also encouraged to bring extra money for traditional markets and souvenirs.

Have any friends at Norman High? Be sure to talk to them about this trip because North will be pairing up with High for the trip. Travelers will be working on a very exciting service project with local high school kids and see how they live life.

 Lastly, but definitely not least, the trip will include a visit to the Floating Islands, where they make islands out of straw. The water constantly erodes the islands so they are constantly being rebuilt. Fun Facts:  Machu Picchu was built by the Inca king Pachacuti; Cusco is the oldest city on the entire American continent (with a history of continuous habitation for more than 3000 years).  Students will return enriched from the experience.