Norman North Band Turns a New Leaf
Norman North Band celebrates their 1st place victory at Elgin Marching Contest.
Have you seen the Norman North Marching Band this year? If not, you should definitely come out to one of the football games while the season lasts. Their halftime show has improved tremendously, with some very cool song choices and patterns they form while marching. The color guard has also seen an improvement, with new reflective flags and better routines.
Not only that but a massive advancement has also been made to the contest performance. When asked about the validity of whether Norman North Band had really gotten last place at every contest in recent years, head drum major William Baillio said this: “Yeah, pretty much. We would always make it to finals, but would end up in last or close to it.” This year, however, they have already had 3 contests, placed 5th at the Moore Outdoor Music Festival, 7th at Yukon Marching Contest, and won 1st place in their most recent competition, the Elgin Marching Contest.
So, what made the difference? Trumpeter Spencer Benson believes much of it is due to the new directors, saying “Our new directors have put in a lot of effort and planning to make sure we are prepared for success. It took discipline and a lot of getting used to, but in the long run, it was worth it.” Benson also relates their success to more fellowship within the band. “I feel that all of our members, new and returning, have bonded more because of the efforts of our directors and that we all genuinely care about each other’s success.” Hopefully, throughout this year and the years to come, the band will continue to impress us and improve every day.