Speech And Debate Take On Regionals
The debators pose with their awards.
This year 14 contestants from Norman North Speech and Debate placed top 8 in the 2023 OSSAA 5A6A West Regional Tournament and are on their way to State. Only three weeks after the West Oklahoma District Tournament, these debaters and actors didn’t catch a break with 29 students entering to compete in Regionals. After two days of battling against the most talented competitors in the region, Norman North takes home yet another win. Not only did 14 students receive an individual award for placing top eight in their events, but Norman North received third place sweepstakes. This means that as a program, Speech and Debate got the third highest wins or “points” overall.
Not only did Speech and Debate get the opportunity to represent their skills, but also the diversity of age and experience on the team. Competitors who have been competing for many years such as Nicole Gilkey, who qualified in Dramatic Duet and Poetry, were able to show their years of practice. “I’m really proud and excited,” she says, “I love watching the audience and seeing their reactions.” Arya Ramineedi on the other hand qualified for 7th place in the Lincoln Douglas debate as a first-year debater and made his big entrance into the Speech and Debate community. With his amazing case-writing skills and natural public speaking Arya was able to climb the ranks in less than a year. “It feels good to make it to State”, he says, “because everyone helped. Everyone was very helpful.” He explains that the team was very supportive to him as a novice and that the key to his success was “W rizz.”
With these successes in their pockets, Norman North Speech and Debate head toward State ready to take on the tough opponents. Gilkey explains that she’s “nervous because the competition is going to be tough.” But just like Districts and Regionals, Norman North will dive in prepared for the heat and come out on top.