Upcoming Solo And Ensemble!

Planning to take place this Saturday, February 25th, the band and orchestra Solo/Ensemble contest is coming up. Applying to most fine arts at Norman North, this contest allows students to broadcast their talents at a competition.
A few days ago, the choir students participated in the solo/ensemble competition at SNU. If you know any friends who participated, make sure to congratulate them on whatever score they accomplished.
The OSSAA Solo/Ensemble Contest lets students earn ratings for their fine arts performances spanning from orchestra, band, and choir. Students have the option to prepare solos, pieces, or songs to play with their ensemble to prepare for the big day. Once the competition starts, each student performs and is graded with a system of 1-5. 1 would be the best rating that would allow students to advance to the next level which would be the state competition. It proves to be an excellent learning experience for the student because of its exposure to being judged by professionals in their field while also preparing them for stage performances.
According to Mr. Vanvickle, the head band director at Norman North, “Band and Orchestra students will participate in the OSSAA District Solo and Ensemble contest on Saturday, Feb. 25th at Norman High School. This is a unique event because students get to perform music they themselves have selected and worked up on their own. This event allows students to challenge themselves with solo repertoire and also to form unique ensembles such as brass quintets, clarinet choirs, saxophone trios, trombone quartets, etc.”
Wish your fellow band and orchestra friends good luck in this upcoming contest!