Our Road Trip is Over
21-22 Homecoming King and Queen.
The winners of the 21-22 Norman North Homecoming Court are:
Duke Zachary Maddry and Duchess Emma Willams
Princess Alisa Burt and Prince Noah Brown
King Aiden Wilson and Queen Kaitlyn Davis
When we asked Zachary Maddry about it he said “it was exciting and surreal” He said that it felt “really empowering” and that it was “really fun to be part of the process.”
Emma Willams said this in an Instagram post about winning Homecoming Duchess, “To say [that] this is an honor is an understatement. I am shocked beyond words. Coming in freshman year knowing no one, to winning duchess is immensely insane for me to even comprehend.”
Alisa Burt said, “I was super surprised, but also excited! Overall it was an awesome night (except north should have won the game)” when asked about being crowned Homecoming Princess.
Noah Brown said, ” I was surprised at first, then thankful, because of the recognition I was receiving from my peers.” when asked about being crowned Homecoming Prince.
Kaitlyn Davis could not be reached for comment.
Aiden Wilson had this to say about being crowned Homecoming King, “Being crowned HOCO King was cool because it felt like a full-circle moment. It made going to all the events and activities feel a lot more meaningful in the end. It was also nice to see all the hard work my friends put into campaigning for me pay off.”
Congratulations to all the winners!