Why You Should Attend Moore Norman

The front of the Moore Norman Technology Center build and the main entrance to the school.

| Via Moore Norman Technology Center

The front of the Moore Norman Technology Center build and the main entrance to the school.

Moore Norman Technology Center is a vo-tech school that has many programs, with the most abundant being its STEM classes. At Moore Norman, you can learn about engineering, nursing, legal services, or even cosmetology. With so many classes you can choose whatever you are interested in. Not only that but after graduating from Moore Norman finding a job is super easy. Employers often call the school looking for new employees that have learned about the field they are hiring in. I asked a few students some questions about Moore Norman, and they each gave a few pros and cons about the school. 

Dylan Kennedy, a pre-engineering student, said, “[It] gives a better education overall and is more specific to what you want to do, but you have to leave campus to attend classes to go to Moore Norman.”

Riley Beery, a cosmetology student, said, “School starts later than Norman North, the workload is a lot less, and the IDs have a chip inside them that allows the doors to open making me feel a lot safer. A con is that it messes up my normal schedule.”

Blaine Leonard, a pre-engineering student, said, “With a small class size, I feel like I can talk to all my teachers about things.”

Another great part about Moore Norman is the price to attend the school is free all the way up until you’re 21. Applying is similar to a college application, and with it still being cheap after you turn 21 it’s a good alternative if you are unsure about college. With colleges costing on average around 25,000 a year and 100,000 for 4 years for instate, Moore Norman only costs depending on the class 3,000 to 7,000 for a semester-long specialized class with few fees like certificates, resources, and taxes.

Most people think that to get into the Moore Norman program you need to take Mrs. Parry’s pre-engineering class at Norman North. You don’t actually have to take this class, you can enroll at MNTC online and split your day between the 2 schools. This however only gives you 3 hours at North and 3 hours at Moore Norman and there is no travel hour making it so you have a shorter lunch. From my experience in the pre-engineering program at MNTC, the classes are difficult but really fun, the classes that I took that are specific to Moore Norman are Civil engineering and architecture, and aerospace engineering. In civil engineering, the 2 big projects are designing and building a model house and designing a habitat for humanity home on a computer. In aerospace, the 3 big projects are building a glider, designing an airfoil, and building a model rocket that we launched. 

Moore Norman Technology Center is a great school that I would recommend to anyone that likes math, science, and hands-on learning. The IDs are really useful and are necessary due to the fact that you need to scan them to enter the school making them accessible to those you attend and keeping out unwanted visitors. Another positive thing is the laid-back environment with teachers not caring as much about little things like going to the bathroom and leaving early, and with Moore Norman being away from the North the traffic is light after school and cuts down on travel time after school. Things that get annoying are the travel times between school and not knowing everyone in the class because some kids are from Moore schools. Overall, Moore Norman Technology Center is a great career option that students should look into.