WRC Youth Advisory Council Sign Up

- Jaiden Suter, Fine Arts - Writer

The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is a non-profit organization that exists to help people within Cleveland County find help, no matter their gender. This group wants to raise awareness against violence in relationships, and help people who have experienced it. If you are 14-19, and you will be in high school next year in Cleveland County, you have the option to join the Youth Advisory Council. If you want to help make this community a better place, to be more involved, and to get your voice heard this is a great opportunity for you. This council wants to help prevent and raise awareness of dating and sexual violence. Applications to apply are due October 14th, and are in the Dr. Garrett Newsletter sent on October 10th. All additional information is also located in the newsletter.

On October 13th, during Upperclassmen Lunch, students can stop by the Women’s Advocacy Club for more information.