Norman North’s DEN filmed their last morning announcement featuring “Andrick’s Shorts With Andrick Short ” on Oct. 30, 2023 after only five showings. Sophomore Lucas Barbosa, self-proclaimed biggest fan of Anderick, is running a petition to bring the show back to the morning announcements, despite DEN’s resistance.
Sources vary on why “Andrick’s Shorts With Andrick Short” was canceled.
“As one of the DEN video chairs that oversee morning announcement videos we felt like it was the time to switch things up and have more people in the videos, rather than Andrick being on multiple segments with his raps and appearing in promos.” Junior Matthew Hutchinson, DEN video chair, said,
The Fine Arts Forecast replaced Andrick’s Shorts with the intention to feature many students from the fine arts programs.
“I can’t say what I want to say.” said Chad Boese, the teacher in charge of DEN. He declined to comment further on the matter.
“My goal was to just entertain people and they told me I wasn’t entertaining people, so if I’m not entertaining people, I don’t want to be in the morning announcements.” said Junior Andrick Short.
However, in a recent poll on The Howl’s Instagram, 86% of voters wanted Andrick’s Shorts back. This poll had 114 voters which is a historically large number for The Howl’s instagram polls.
Barbosa believes it was only the DEN video chairs who weren’t entertained and the students at North want him back, which is why he started the petition.
Upon seeing Lucas’s enthusiasm, DEN video chair, Parker Gladhill, reached out to Barbosa with the following proposition.

Barbosa said the petition started as a joke but became more serious as it advanced. “I realized I could actually bring Andrick back, I could actually do this,” he said, “So then I made a website and fliers.”
Right now, the petition has 72 signatures, but needs 1000 to bring back Andrick’s shorts.
“The petition was interesting,” said Short, ” I wasn’t sure that anybody would actually sign it so seeing that over 50 people signed a petition, when we barely get that many votes on other things in the school, kinda blew my mind. I didn’t realize that many people cared.”
The petition can be viewed here.