What is Color Guard?


| Brandy Liu

A member of Color Guard waves a flag on the Harve Collins field.

“Color Guard is the visual aspect of marching band,” said Abby Barnes, senior, a member of the Color Guard. Color Guard uses flags in their performances for halftime to promote school spirit with intricate flag tosses and movements that go along with the band performance. During football season, Color Guard marches with the band during halftimes and marching shows. During the second-semester Color Guard is known as “Winter Guard” and does independent performances. Being in Color Guard is a big commitment, as members attend morning rehearsals from 7-8:30 AM and have a 90-minute rehearsal after school once a week. During the summer Color Guard members attend a 5 day camp at Norman North to polish their flag tosses and learn new skills. The contribution of their skills and artistic ability to the Norman North Fine Arts is greatly appreciated by the whole school. Color Guard recruitment is at the end of April or May when the captain of the Color Guard teaches members new performances and skills.