Competition for Science Olympiad
Recently, Science Olympiad competed for Norman North at state and made 2nd place as a whole in Oklahoma. At the event, the individuals of the team competed and had individual scores. For a winner to be chosen, the results were added at the end of the event which determined the tournament winner. Science Olympiad is a club made up of about 20 people and is based on competitions and events that are centered around science with Mr. White as the club’s sponsor. The club’s president is Sara Huang. Junior, Bryan Joo placed “1st once, 2nd twice” and then “3rd twice.” Bryan said the club is meant for those that “enjoy competition and use scientific knowledge, principles, and builds to express this.” According to Bryan, Science Olympiad has a multitude of sides to it. It consists of “many other diverse topics”, it’s not just “limited to biology and chemistry.” I’d say that this club would be great for anyone interested in what’s around them and who wants to challenge their own knowledge. A variety of sciences such as environmental science, physics, forensic science, and even scientific writing, are able to be tested and further explored through the club. By the sounds of Bryan Joo, you can find the science you love that would be a topic within the competition. Yet despite your love for science, you may feel that the event wouldn’t be so great. It would be too stressful to compete. Not really enjoyable. Might put a damper on your beloved science. However, according to Bryan Joo, he finds the events as “a causal environment” saying it’s “complete fun.” So I would say based on Bryan’s experience, consider joining the club. Converse with others who have the same interests as you.