Norman North’s Environmental Club
Cleaning up Norman North on October 15th, 2022.
I am happy to introduce you to Norman North’s Environmental Club. All year they have worked hard to make Norman a better and greener place. They have had park cleanups roughly once every two weeks at various locations. Some of those clean-ups have been here at North and others at community parks like Sutton Wilderness Trail Park.
President Langli Davis and Vice President Emma Abbott have worked hard all year to spread knowledge about living sustainably and environmental issues. They encourage club members to attend weekly meetings to learn about said issues. Langli’s favorite part of the club is “the club members and the atmosphere, they help create a very positive and supportive”. Many students this year have made slideshows to present during the meeting to learn about the environment. They also had an awesome guest speaker this year, Sherrie McNall, a member of the red earth society. She gave an informative speech about plastic waste and ways to reduce single-use plastics in your life.
Another big part of the environmental club is recycling. When teachers collect recycling in their bins, it is the club who is responsible for picking it up and taking it into the cans, and then the can to the curb, and repeat. This helps reduce waste and incentivizes the school to recycle because the club is happy to take care of it. The club also contributes to styrofoam recycling called “Styrostation” at University Lutheran Church & Student Center. This involves properly washing and breaking down those everyday styrofoam cups.
For the upcoming Earth Day, the environmental club is planning on volunteering for the Norman Earth Day Festival, volunteering for the Sierra Club at the earth day festival, partnering with Styrostation for their earth day event, and holding more entertainment activities (less focused on preserving the environment and more on appreciating). Stay tuned for what they have in store, you won’t want to miss it.
They are excited about next year and would love to see new faces in the club. Anyone is welcome to join and there are no requirements to be in the club. If you are willing to lend a helping hand in making North and Norman a cleaner space, join the Environmental Club.