Meet FFA!
The Norman FFA Team visits the state capitol.
Behold the might and glory of Norman FFA (Future Farmers of America). OYE (Oklahoma Youth Expo.) Started the Wednesday before spring break and went until the end of spring break. It is the biggest youth livestock in the world, and it is limited to Oklahoma youth in 4h and FFA. It was many seniors’ last livestock show. In the end, many 4h and FFA members sold their animals or donated them to people in need.

CDE contests (Career Development Events) will be going on throughout the spring. These contests help FFA members learn life skills like how to work in teams, how to build effective study habits, how to be a better speaker, and much more. These include:
Public Speaking: Individual FFA members write, memorize and present their own 6-8 minute presentation about an agricultural topic.
Animal Science Quiz Bowl: An academic quiz bowl except for all questions related to animal science.
Veterinary Medicine: There is a practical portion as well as a test option.
Electricity: Participants practice their writing skills according to the directions given.
Shop: Welding according to directions, take a written test, and do a tool identification quiz.
Greenhand: Freshman members take a quiz over FFA history, creed, current topics, and more.
Livestock Judging: Students evaluate 4 different livestock breeds, and 4 judges do the same and at the end, the scores are compared for similarities and differences.
Milk Quality: Students taste different qualities of milk and then attempt to rate them on their quality.
Spring is a busy season for FFA, so be sure to keep an eye out for their accomplishments!