This morning in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, tens of thousands of people gathered at Gobblers Knob, to celebrate Groundhog Day. The famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, was awoken from his hibernation nap to give a prediction about the future weather. As the tradition states, if Phil sees his shadow, we will have 6 more weeks of winter. If Phil does not, then spring will arrive early. Fans gather every year on Feb. 2 eagerly awaiting Phil’s decision. This year, as Phil looked for his shadow, he did not see it. Therefore, things should start to warm up.

Students at North were asked whether they believed Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction. One Senior, Gabriel Velasco, gave his opinion on the matter.
“Me personally, I’m hoping the little fella was right! I’m ready for that nice spring weather that’s for sure! Hehe. I’m tired of the gloomy winter and am ready for the wonderful springtime colors. Trees turning green, flowers blooming, cute little bunny rabbits frolicking around, all that stuff!”
Senior, Montana Wright, felt a little opposed to the idea of a groundhog predicting the weather.
“I don’t agree with him,” says Wright, “the farmer’s almanac exists, why would I believe a groundhog?”
The famous groundhog isn’t exactly a meteorologist, Punxsatawney Phil has been right 39% of the time since the tradition started in 1887, according to the Stormfax Weather Almanac.
Whether Phil predicted correctly or not, one thing is certain, we’re all in for six more weeks of guessing the weather!