Senior PSAT Day Information

Senior PSAT Day Information

Wednesday, October 12th, is the underclassmen’s PSAT day. Seniors will have no school and will stay home. They will still have online work on canvas and should check all of their classes for work. This free day should be used as a study day and make-up day, you should catch up on all classes and study for upcoming tests and quizzes. Most teachers are having quizzes this week over things they have learned before fall break. Other options for this day, if seniors choose, are CPR training, Personal Financial Literacy (PFL) for their government class, or ICAP for advisory. All of these activities are graduation requirements. Seniors can sign up for CPR training in the front office, students can access PFL through their government class, and ICAP is on your Advisory Canvas. Along with the rest of the day, there will not be any zero hour in the morning, and ask your coach about afternoon sports as some practices may be canceled.