Spirit Week Goes Virtual

| Thomas Richardson

Kaella Rauschenburg won Monday’s tie-dye/neon day and overall favorite Friday

Monday, August 31st through Thursday, September 3rd students dressed up for spirit week to celebrate Crosstown Clash.

Each day was a different theme. Monday, students dressed up with neon and tie-dye. Tuesday was Lil Uzi Day. Students recreated their favorite Lil Uzi photos. Wednesday was space cowboy. Thursday was white-out for game day, but the game got canceled due to COVID cases.

Tuesday, Hannah Beth, Lil Uzi Day winner.
Wednesday, Ramsey Looney space cowboy winner.
Thursday, Lindsay Thompson won white out.






















Each day, students posted pictures of themselves dressed up. DEN choose a winner each day. At the end of the week, students choose their favorite dress-up day winner. The winner, Kaella Rauschenburg, received a $20 Chick-fil-A gift card.

Due to COVID-19, spirit week was virtual. Students voted with emojis on DEN’s Instagram.