Sports Broadcasting With Wormington

Sports broadcasting camera.
As many of you may have heard, a few new classes have come to North this year. One of them, Sports Broadcasting, is a video production class taught by Mr. Wormington. Mr. Wormington played football here at North and at the University of Central Oklahoma. Later on, he became a sports broadcaster and now looks to share his knowledge with the new class. His goal is “to get video coverage of all home events and some away events, to introduce the coaching staff, and to report on sporting events as if we were a news show.”
This class is a media sports class thus you will need to have completed both Media 1 and 2 to enroll. Anyone wishing to improve their news broadcasting skills, especially in the sports field, is encouraged to sign up. This class is a semester-long course so those who have completed or will have completed Media 1 and 2 by the end of this fall semester and are interested in taking sports broadcasting can request this class for this upcoming spring semester, or wait for the following year.