Burning Bubbles

Unfortunately, the bubbles are gone, but only because our Norman North Swim team is taking a small break to prepare for State. That is not all though, they have been burnin’ up the competition at every meet they’ve attended, laughing the whole time. Just recently they competed in the Regionals meet, which for reference, is the meet that determines who will go on to State. Every team at Regionals brings their a-game, and Norman North Swim was no exception. 

For example, our relay teams were very successful. The Girls 200 Medley Relay placed 3rd in Regionals and seeded 6th in State and the Girls 200 Free Relay placed 9th in Regionals and seeded 17th at State. The Boys 200 Medley placed 8th in Regionals and seeded 13th in State and the Boys 400 Free Relay placed 8th in Regionals and seeded 15th in State. Norman North Swim had eleven people make State in individual events. One of our best, Jadie Brister, placed 1st in the 200 IM, 1st in the 100 Fly, and seeded 1st in State for both. That’s not it either, every Norman North Swimmer dropped time in their events.

Not only does our Swim Team win, but they have fun while doing it. This year has yielded a good-sized group of freshmen, so the upperclassmen have been hard at work showing them the traditions of the team. At swim meets, the girls and boys split off and have team meetings before the races start. These meetings are led by the upperclassmen, and their goal is to hype everyone up and inspire them to leave nothing in the water. The team chant follows the meetings. For context, every team does a chant as loud as they can before the meet starts. Norman North Swim does not hold back when it comes to its chant, it’s their pride and their fire, and the seniors get to lead it. The seniors have had a lot of fun this year, from picking the team suits for the season to planning the parties and meetups. Grace Lancaster, one of the aforementioned seniors, says her favorite team memory is “probably eating at IHOP crazy early in the morning… It’s a tradition I love.” Walker Mauldin even goes on to say that one of the top highlights of his season would “have to be how close the boy’s team is this year.”

Norman North Swim has been having a really good season so far, from races to team bonding. Everyone loves what they do and they put so much effort into their practices. State is coming up and everyone is excited to compete. Send-off will be February 14th, so go support our Swimming T-Wolves and give them the applause they have undoubtedly earned.