Finding Love Through SPUD


| Alisa Burt

Asher Williams and Lindsay Thompson get to see who they ended up with.

On Thursday, January 5th, SPUD (Students Performing Unselfish Deeds) hosted their annual “Dating Game” during second hour. In each round, one student was the “mystery person,” and three others were contestants, who answered questions to compete for a date with the mystery person. There were four rounds, the first three had previously selected players, and the final one had audience members participate. Each round had a winning couple, and at the end of the game, the audience voted for their favorite couple. Lindsay Thompson and Asher Williams won the audience’s favor, earning a gift card for the two of them to hopefully share.

Asher Williams and Lindsay Thompson pose with their gift card. (| Alisa Burt)

“It was a ton of fun,” Asher said. The audience also seemed to have a blast. Viewers were screaming and cheering. There was even a sing-along as one round of the competition included a singing competition. Questions for the candidates varied widely including but not limited to:

Who do you think is the best rapper?

If you had a million dollars what would you spend it on?

Is water wet?

It’s Valentine’s Day; what would you do for a date?

What’s your favorite song or type of music?

There were many more interesting and decisive questions, often causing the audience to loudly cheer or boo. All in all, it was a great moment of SPUD week. There are many more events to come, so keep a lookout on the SPUD Instagram (@spudweek) or their website, linked here. Donations will continue to be accepted for the rest of the week. You can donate online, at all SPUD events, or through a SPUD committee member. Donations go to this year’s recipients: Skye Spears, Julia Courange, Norman’s Meals on Wheels, and The Sunhive Collective.

If you missed out on The Dating Game, make sure to sign up or attend next year! “I think I found true love,” Lindsay Thompson said, so it seems to have been a success.