SPUD is Love


| Alisa Burt

Joshua Garner (sophomore), during the SPUD Dating Show.

Earlier this week, we had the chance to talk with sophomore, Joshua Garner, who won the SPUD Dating Show.

Thomas Richardson: So how was the SPUD dating show?

Joshua Garner: I was really nervous, to be honest. Because I was sure I was gonna lose. But then I ended up winning, It was a funny feeling.

TR: Did you do anything to prepare for it?

JG: Not at all, I just went in trying to calm my nerves, and I thought if I lose, I lose. There was no real risk.

TR: How did you get involved in the show?

JG: My friend sent a link to our group chat and he said “Hey, who wants to do this with me?” And I thought you know what? I’m single and I have nothing better to do. So I signed up, and then I got in but he did not.

TR: So you guys got a gift card for a date, did you guys go on the date, or did one of you just get the gift card?

JG: I have not gotten the gift card yet. I don’t know if I’m supposed to ask somebody about it.

TR: Is there anything that you take away from your experience with the dating show?

JB: I mean, really, just like you got nothing to lose. Just go for it. No one’s gonna make fun of you just because you decided to give money to a charity.