Let Me Paint You An Art Exhibit


| Sydney Hall

Some of the art exhibited in the Nancy O’Brian Center.

The All-City Art Show took place at the Nancy O’Brian Center from April 11th to April 13th. It showcased art from students all around Norman, and people from the public. The Nancy Brian Center was open all day for people to view the art. Many classes, students, parents, and others visited the art exhibit throughout the two days. It was filled with all kinds of art from different people. There was intricate painting, clay sculptures, watercolors, fashion design, and more. These artworks were created by the youngest students in preschool to parents. Many of the art created in art class at Norman North was showcased. 

Claire Shirley, a junior at Norman North, stated that she loved to go view the art. “I loved to go see all of the artwork and get to see what my friends and classmates created. I also loved to see the little kids artwork, because it reminded me of the art we would do in elementary school. It was cute” she said. The art exhibit was an amazing way for people to see all of the work that students and parents did with art, and had some incredible pieces. “ I couldn’t believe some of those art pieces were created by kids that young” said Emma Decker. 

Elora Jackson, also stated that “I liked having my art in the art show because it’s cool to go in there and see all the really good art and then see something I made next to all of it”. Additionally, Jaston Rone, said “It feels really nice to have my art in the art show. I really like showing off my work, and i’m glad I can do it in school”.  It was a great opportunity for people’s art to be viewed by piers, and other people interested in the art.